Strawberry Quartz Benefits


Transformation can be challenging, but there's one stone to rule them all when it comes to ushering in positive change. Whether you're looking to redesign important aspects of your life, rediscover forgotten talents and gifts, or begin a journey of self-discovery, strawberry quartz is the perfect crystal to help with all of the above. It's a stone that was an important part of my own journey and has become one of my favourites to work with.

Explore its benefits below, and if you're looking to begin your own journey of positive transformation head over to the Crystal Shop to shop Strawberry Quartz.


1. Authenticity

Strawberry Quartz is known to help you reconnect with you most authentic self and express all of the beautiful and unique aspects that come together to make you who you are.


2. Self-love

If self-love and embracing who you are is something you're working to further build or expand on, Strawberry Quartz is wonderful stone of universal love, excellent for stimulating the Heart Chakra and opening you to. For an easy way to work with the energy of Strawberry Quartz, try meditating with the stone and then placing it over your heart and reciting affirmations of self-love. End your meditation by saying, "I'm open to receiving and expressing the energy of universal love."


3. Healing

One of the many benefits of Strawberry Quartz includes self-discovery, and in many instances, it is a rediscovery of self that takes place in working with this stone. It's just one of the reasons this stone is so well-loved by many. In rediscovering and reconnecting with ourselves, it is often that we gain clarity on the things, experiences and people that may have led us to stray from who were truly are. In that realization we often also find an invitation for great healing to take place in our lives.


4. Reigniting Passion

If you're struggling to find what you're most passionate about or what your passions and interests are, working with this stone can bring the clarity you're needing and help point you in the right direction.


5. Purpose

Strawberry Quartz not only helps us reignite our passions, it also helps you rediscover forgotten gifts and talents. In doing so, it often helps reveal to us parts of our purpose. Remember, he gifts and talents you have are not by chance or coincidence. They are frequently tied quite closely to your purpose. 


Whether you're on the path to self-discovery or hoping to make changes in your life and find your next steps, Strawberry Quartz is the perfect stone to invite beautiful transformation.


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